
Contacts, donations and gpg keys


Moowool L. Summerwheat is a floral sheep of the salad variety. He is 165cm tall, exactly my IRL height. His eyes are amber, his wool is cream and his dorsal coating is lime. On his back and hair, which are made of salad grows vegetation with a side of fruits and vegetables. He has brown forward-curving horns, humanoid hands and digitigrade hooved legs.

Reference sheet


icon Discord: Moowool#2857

icon Telegram: @Moowool

icon Email: moowool195@gmail.com

icon Doomworld: Spowmtom


crypto BTC: bc1qfs8mgrptfnnev3m4x5gslhc7t363t50fcpgafd

crypto ETH: 0xF36b7d60CCb55BBDb911fc98DdB151A5d03C538e

crypto BCH: qpxc8wn8mj0ej7n2jg4radqdszx8yar6cvr0n4paa2

crypto XMR: 45g6AgnufERYeaRVXYvvR3Mpay9CpJ4EKWQPyJM7Bz 4G7h6PW29bHrT8CMTzhmsiKijVrpovxGTJDXXftfR4i5kR295jz3a

GPG Keys

You can either download the file or pipe its output to gpg(1)

  • icon GPG key

  • icon curl https://moowool.info/about/moowool.pgp | gpg --import

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