Featured image of post The Suits of Furnal Equinox

The Suits of Furnal Equinox

A gallery of all the suits I managed to take pictures of.

Aturo Bootz Babs

Mew Meehsa

Moon Mist

Citris, Soba, Feather Dragon DrakitoDragon

?,?,Taffy Mippt


Nitram Lycaon & Blair MUSFET

Fycus Vexit Kale Dragon

Paro Atherial, Salt, ?, ?, ?

TheSnowyHusky97 SamHain


If you see yourself in one of these images, contact me with proof and I will edit or remove the image, no questions asked.

I am actively sending all the images to the fursuiters and continuously adding credits to the images. Feel free to contribute by sending these images to the fursuiters or by notifying me of their online identities.

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